
Showing posts from June, 2015
Written By: Jezreel Madsa “Concepts are not spontaneously created or generated but are determined by prior thought.” -- Alan Januszewski History is the window that serves as the humanity’s vantage point for their inquiry of the past. Every concept widely accepted today did not just pop their existence up out of nowhere. They rather develop and blossom as time moves along the corridors of the future. Like buds that gradually blooms into a flower over a period of time; the same thing is true with any concept. The concept of Educational Technology has a nebulous vague historical pedigree, albeit few scholarly books are published that treats with deliberate scrutiny the historical dimension of Educational Technology. Some conjectured that it started off during the Pre-Socratic Age, others went on to postulate a pretty much earlier dating, earlier than Pre-Socratic – which to me is quite problematic and dubious, since we hardly have enough manuscripts that provide warrant for such

Krashen's Five Hypotheses

Stephen D. Krashen Written By: Jezreel Madsa             I. The Acquisition- Learning Distinction As far as Second Language Acquisition is concerned, this hypothesis, according to Stephen D. Krashen, is the most fundamental of all the hypotheses he ever formulated.  Krashen, proposed that there are, at least, two ways of developing language acquisition: First is by language acquisition , and second is by language learning . Both of these two are processes to developing learning. The former, refers to a subconscious process —that is, language acquirers, are not aware of the fact that they are acquiring language, one way or another, but are said to be aware only of using the language for communication. On the other hand, the latter denotes the conscious knowledge of a second language; that is, it deals about knowledge of the rules and its proper application. Implication: Having in mind that there are two processes, whereby a learner could develop his own competence, it

Christianity Associated With Sufferings

Written By: Jezreel Madsa During the middle of second century, under the dominion and reign of Marcus Aurelius, the believers’ freedom to display and profess their faith were largely curtailed. The whole society were given into subjection under the lordship of Ceasar, nobody dares to know other king or lord, except the Roman Emperor. The emperor was said to be the sole vice regent of the gods and goddesses. Of which, his dominion is in miniature of gods sovereign authority. That was one of the darkest hour Christian faced over the period of their existence. Unlike the contemporary Christian in this age, Christianity and all sorts of religion are no longer consider illegal. We can freely preach and evangelize anywhere we want. Some Christians went on even vocal outright to spout off that they belong to a Christian denomination. Today, if you profess that you belong to Christ, nobody will persecute you, let alone kill you. Thus, when we read a verse in the Scripture that goes like

Redeeming The Mind!

We can observe elsewhere that many Christians around the globe have been putting greater emphasis on spirituality and as well as the subjective aspect of Christianity, they even went on to the extent of losing sight to the objective flavor of their tenets. As it is true, Many Christians in this age, are virtually quite skeptical with intellectual ideas, as if reducing Christianity merely to subjective experience. As a result, they are providing acquiesce largely to the cutting edge of secularism, that is, Christianity and its truths are one thing, while Scientific truths are another. Most professors and instructors of renowned Universities particularly in America, are admonishing their students, whenever they appeal to their religious beliefs, to better subsume their truth-claims under the rubric of “personal reservation”. That is, accordingly, religious truths are no less than “private beliefs”; hence, they cannot be brought into the public square. Scientific truths, on the