Girls Can Be Confusing, Eh?

When a guy courts a girl, it is a commonplace for the latter to probe the truest motive of the former; she wants to know if the guy were just courting her for the sake of fun, or were it because of true love? There are various instances, though, that we observe from time to time: that either a guy falls out of love for his girlfriend, or the girl falls in love with another. Either way, both parties are susceptible to commit such gross mistakes. 

Most especially when temptation knocks in, it requires a good deal of faith and determination to maintain the faithfulness and loyalty one has. Many have clung to their peerless beauty and brains, they trusted themselves; they believe that it'd be impossible for her boyfriend to replace her because she has everything that every sane guy looks for. And at later point, she ends up brokenhearted. She could not believe how in the world could anybody choose another instead of her. Well, let's accept it. There is no such thing as strong individual. We are weaklings in the most profound way. We are, in a word, dependent creatures. That is, we are created not to be autonomous, but to be dependent on God. Any relationship that is rooted merely on personal endeavors would one day die out, any more than a tree that trusts only the strength of its roots and not upon the Sun that nourishes it. We need to place our relationship within the strong fence of God's lordship. 

Now going back to our earlier issue, why does a girl have become so meticulous to choose a guy to love? Folks, it is because our society is replete with guys who are no less than opportunity-seekers, covenant breakers, and selfish at its best. In this unbelieving world, it is apparently difficult nowadays to find a guy who courts you on the account that she loves you. Practically speaking, most if not all of guys that I've met with are only aftering with the 'sexiness' (for the lack of better term), or for the slender sultry shape of body. Lust tends to overpower love in this wretched evil age. 

So this answers the question why a girl oftentimes says "No" when she herself does not actually mean it. It's because she wants to test you. She wants to know what her worth is for you. That is, would she be a woman deserving your arduous pursuit? Or she means absolutely ordinary to you?
Now if you are a Christian guy, don't conform to what you see in the society [Romans 12:2]. We are to conform ourselves to Christ [Romans 8:29]the most faithful husband to the Church [Ephesians 5:25]; the one who never leaves and who never ends with his love for the woman she loves. 


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