My Review on C.J. Mahaney's Book "True Feelings"

My Review on C. J. Mahaney's "True Feelings God's Gracious Purpose for Our Emotions"

This book of Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Mahaney Whitacre is a welcomed edition on the subject of emotions particularly viewed in a theological Christocentric perspective. Formally, It is written in an excellent prose with fascinating use of fine language that ultimately makes the write-up even more aesthetically elegant.

Each chapter opens up a succinct narrative story that serves to explicate analogically the points to be later on elaborated. The book is well-written, nicely-organized and page-turner at its best.

I have learned several things while delving into its material content. These are as follows:

  •  Our emotions by virtue of the Fall have been corrupted by sin and therefore requires to be redeemed. 
  •  Our emotions are not necessarily evil. In fact, emotions, although marred by sin, are still integral in the Christian life; i. e. our theological knowledge is lifeless apart from our emotional gladness that gives life to it.
  •  Our emotions are not the final authority of truth, rather they tell the truth about our beliefs and values. 
  • Our emotional problems can be remedied by modifying and re-aligning our beliefs and values into the word of God. 
  • Our emotions must not supersede our intellect and will; rather they should work in perfect balance among other faculties. 
  • We are not called to always repress our emotions. There is always room for lamentation. We have to be true with what we feel.
  • Our emotions reflect the real sadness and sorrows brought about by the Fall, and they also manifest the Believer's joy in the Gospel.
  • We are to modify our emotions to become godly emotions through the means of grace: Church, Prayer, Bible Meditation etc,
  • Finally, our emotions should be conformed to the emotions exhibited by Christ.
I have greatly benefited from the book. I am planning to re-read this at some other time. This is by far the best book I've read on emotions. Second to this is that of Christina Fox "A Heart Set Free" .

The only minor problem I see in this book is that it has no study-guide questions for the readers to facilitate the recapitulation of the main points what they have understood and read from each chapter.

Anyway, from 1-10, I would rate this 9


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