MARCH 27, 2018

To Miss Rowena Cedo:

That solemn hours of the day where the hopeful sunset hadn't yet poured its rays beneath the nervous clouds. I was there in the heights of the sky numbering every celestial white that flies. Beheld the world below so tiny, so impoverished as my chance to have you.

Til the plane condescended down so was my confidence badly waning down. I wandered along the exits of NAIA looking for a safer ride the same way my gloomy heart roamed for your loving sight. I had met charlatans on the road and vampires were there ere the daylight in its silence broke. I managed still to journey towards Lucena. Rode the bus standing. Uncomfortable. Depicted quite much my unpreparedness.

There at the wake of the night where the anxious moon leveled the Sun as it dawned. The former was surpassed as my inner feeling went for soon i would glance her at last.

I then took the jeepney to Lipa. I stopped at the school named FAITH—absolutely reminded me of what I needed. Nervousness flows and no ebbs it knows.

Til you texted me to sip a coffee nearby and I seriously drank all its bitterness goodbye. Not far too many ticks in the clock of 7/11, there it accommodated heaven when you came.

I fixed my gaze at you my earthly dearest in the paradox of glee and awkwardness. Perfectly anxious I was how I would act and how I would speak. Never had been mute, much less wary with my mess. Your innocent beam stumped the poetry in me. I felt horribly uncomfortable that day. I was so overly conscious about my looks, my clothing, and my smell. What's more, I hadn't had my shower at that time since I just came out from a very long travel. Oh, my sleepless face was by far the most awfully haggard thing in town.

But your kindest glance as it fast approached few centimeters from mine had looked through the surface of my ugly self. It didn't matter to you what my outward looks— my haggard face and my slender body size;

my presence, alone, for you sufficed.

Happily, I uttered "I love you" but with immense fear and trembling. It didnt matter to me if I be refused the nth time. What really mattered to me was to see you. I had saved my money well to buy the most precious minutes of your time. That was all I wanted. To meet the woman of my poems. The woman whom my soul loveth. The woman I ever dream to marry with and be with her side for the rest of my life. I never had thought i'd be graced such precious moments I spent with you. . .you see the feeling of joy to touch for the very first time your once abstract aspiration. i somehow noticed that loving you by sight was by far more real than loving you by faith. Soon, I will buy in full the eternity of your time so that there you will be also—where I am. Facebook shall no more be the bridge, but godly marriage.

—Miss You


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