
Showing posts from June, 2017

Syntactically Attached

I am like a word or a 'lil chunk of phrases.  a balderdash of mere irrelevant symbols,  a lexical unit far removed from its syntactical web; And my grammatical sense, I find, only within the thread of your helical sentence. I might be a subjective noun, 'Proper' am I at times,  Yet 'common' and generic in its semantic nuance. Ehr, myself is a lousy term and a barren word, indeed!; am only good and alive when flavored with your honeyed adjective.  Other times, I imagine myself a verb  and you the beautiful subject. I can be very mood-y and tense-d Yet I promise to 'agree' with you, by all means.  Know that my subjunctives, imperatives & indicatives are you; Your 'facts,' 'desires,' and 'oughts'  are essentially inflected within the  grammatical fabric of my moods. For we are, in a word, "grammatically intertwined" By commas, our discrete phrases are divided, 

Rain Once More

My lonely heart is as thirsty  As the parched desert for your rain it longs.  Bathe my rocks and sand,  Limpid love  of your With a single  trickle  Left me not as a scapegoat in the sullen wasteland. Suffice it be even in its shadowy clad-- your infinitely-missed visage be gaped at I-MISS-YOU Clasp my barren heart,  Oh dear,  into the bosom of your soul, in the brightest shade of your countenance  Behold Grace permit me once more. Oh, Paint a smile  on this poor and lonesome canvas, I pray. Dry this drenched-tears pillows and let me breathe once again the lovely air  scented by your rarest presence. 

Fellowship in Sorrows: A Litmus Test of Friendship

Whenever a person is stricken by huge blows—i mean, big problems— one normally resorts to his friends and relatives thinking perhaps they may become an aid to get oneself away from a very tight spot. More often than not, each time we are placed into life's combat zone where we are faced against our worst nemesis, we are always bent to retreat and look for assistance from those people whom we think would never leave us in our direst predicament. We just have this thought in ourselves that God would somehow use those people who are so close to us to console us in our deepest sorrows. In a word, we are a social being and theologically, a creature that is designed to fellowship and be in communion with others. Hence, in times of our desperate need, we cling to others. We depend on them because we have this certainty that they would help us on the account that we are loved by them.  And surprisingly, by the huge number of friends that we have, we would be surprised that co

A Progressive Diminution of Silence: A Brief Narrative

Once upon a time, when the world, in its spring time, was cuddled by the embrace of silence, I had heard nothing but the dreamy laughter of the stars blended by the sweetest melodies of the moon: there was peace, there was happiness; there was contentment, and there was love. I then trod along the corridors of infantry, yet my eyes were veiled all over by the canopy of innocence. I desperately groped around the shady hallways of life—seeking after the threshold of reality—hoping that it may illumine the bleak footprints of my origin. Till I found the doorway of imagination, it took me into a world of myth where reality was decked with the artifice of human fancies not by the genuine simplicity of reason. Life, after all, was so much better, then. I still savored the whisper of nature in its meaty silence. I still felt the ambiance of peace in its unparalleled magnificence. And I could still peer the world through the lenses of my artistic eyes and still hugged sile

GOMBURZA: The Execution of the Three Priests

The execution of these three priests is known in Philippine History as one of the grossest displays of sheer antagonism towards democracy. It is true that the phenomenon was precipitated by the 1872 Cavity Mutiny  ; that is,when the enjoyment of the long-standing advantage of laborers was overthrown by the burdensome claws of tyranny. Unfortunately, the dawning of these gloomy clouds of abuse started off when Governor General Rafael Ezquierdo replaced Carlos Maria dela Torre to take control the whole territory for two years. He imposed his iron-fist rule. Forced the Filipino laborers to pay heavy taxes and disallowed any form of reformation be it local or national. Meanwhile, when the mutineers arrived and captured the Fort, they killed Spanish officers and in turn resulted to a menacing skirmish between Spaniards and Filipino insurrectionists. Later on, it was found out by Ezquierdo's Spanish court martial on the 15th of February 1872, that the three priests [collectively

Connection is the Key!

I recently have read a handful of chapters of Lee Gutskind 's book ["What I Didn't Know: True Stories of Becoming a Teacher"] . And guess what I have benefited from it? I think they can all be comprehended perfectly in these three words: Priceless, Immense, and Timeless . :)  Now let's get ourselves to the chase, Educating a student, we are told, generically, is about dispensing and receiving information. Many teachers do well to systematize their lessons and even supplement them altogether with creative visual aids—thereby making the entire instructions—meaningful to the students. Exaggeration aside, the teachers' role is so much comprehensive than by just preparing lesson plans and decorating well-embellished instructional materials. They are absolutely no more good than a magician who has all his tools yet couldn't attract the audience of his execution.  When building "connections" get wrong, nearly everything you do to get into

Girls Can Be Confusing, Eh?

When a guy courts a girl, it is a commonplace for the latter to probe the truest motive of the former; she wants to know if the guy were just courting her for the sake of fun, or were it because of true love? There are various instances, though, that we observe from time to time: that either a guy falls out of love for his girlfriend, or the girl falls in love with another. Either way, both parties are susceptible to commit such gross mistakes.  Most especially when temptation knocks in, it requires a good deal of faith and determination to maintain the faithfulness and loyalty one has. Many have clung to their peerless beauty and brains, they trusted themselves; they believe that it'd be impossible for her boyfriend to replace her because she has everything that every sane guy looks for. And at later point, she ends up brokenhearted. She could not believe how in the world could anybody choose another instead of her. Well, let's accept it. There is no such thing as str

Helping the TCC or Helping for Self-Gain?

Talisay City, CEBU — The Freeman reported last week, May 29, 2017, that the House Bill of Representatives already made a formal approval with respect to the integration of Talisay City College into Talisay City State College . (Here is the softcopy of the house bill sponsored by Ann K. Hofer and Anthony V. Gullas Jr. HOUSE BILL NO. 5147 ) Gullas explains what this amendment bill is all about: “This bill seeks to clarify confusion, settle all uncertainties and avoid controversies that may arise in the conversion of the Talisay City College to Talisay City State College” Having those things in mind, it is likely possible that, not many days from now, TCC shall probably get off its ground with its new institutional title—TALISAY CITY STATE COLLEGE—a pride which every student in TCC has long been waiting for of its realization. Apparently, only a few among the myriads of students in TCC have taken pride of their school due to the low-point altitude of its institutional statu

Doesn't Argument Have A Soul?

WRITTEN BY: JEZREEL MADSA Your soul by splendid garments Draped we with words Yet the imprudent mortals Marvel much at your mundane accidence More than your Olympian substance! At times by ragged garb to the fore  We poorly arrayed your unsullied grandeur  But frogs judgeth your forest Not by the abundance of your trees  But by the imperfect color of your leaf You are always misjudged, Mishandled and mistaken . . . Blurred as always is your necessity For greater is the relativity Of men’s foolishness and awful ingenuity  Your sun may beam in all of its rays But what good is it  If the immensity of their darkness or what good are they, Overpowers your luminaries? Even, few only have ridden Upon the jeepney of your inference; For fools often saddle Upon the Trojan Horse of inconsistence’  And thus, wander and lost, at naught are their boast!  He secures the route of your transition But the humble polymath is n

Post-Summer Reflection: My Exaggerated Arrogance

Written by: Jezreel Madsa As I mused over something—namely, the vocation that I have chosen to pursue for this life, I had had a good deal of realizations about myself. I noticed that I had been lazy for the past two years of my studies because I clung upon the endowed intelligence God had afforded to me. I had thought of myself as supremely superior above anybody else in most areas that pertain to knowledge. I looked myself loftily enthrone unto the majestic height of glory while I beheld my peers not even close to hurdle over the erudite fence of my intellectual territory. This mountain of hubris that I set my ventures on had given me the edge to be confident. Yep, there was confidence—but confidence that was fueled up by arrogance. I relentlessly exalted myself by way of having my feet stood upon the shoulders which I pulled down in turn. What's more, I always put myself centrally in the limelight of adulation. I wanted to be praised. I wanted to be the best. I wanted